Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hello Blogging World!

Hey all! So I have decided to do something I have been thinking of doing for a long time! I've decided to start a blog and step away from Facebook! I believe for myself that Facebook was doing nothing but tearing me down! I love the idea of social networking but I found myself comparing myself to others, getting my feelings hurt by the silliest of things, feeling left out if I wasn't invited to events, or in on inside jokes, judging others, feeling offended by comments and some days it would ruin my day! I just can't have that in my life! Not to mention it was becoming an addiction, I would check Facebook way too often! I will miss all the wonderful posts of inspiration, and keeping in contact with some long lost friends and family but I have to do what is right for me. I hope my friends and family will check in here every so often to "keep up with the Jones'" I am by no means a witty writer that will offer up much entertainment but I hope to use this as a place to keep you all updated with our everyday life and also as a place to speak my mind when I need to! So bye bye Facebook, I don't know how long I will last as an anti-Facebooker, but I do know for now it's important and as we approach 2012 I am looking to change my life in many ways and this is my first baby step! Wish me luck!
Stacie Ann